It’s that time of year!
The King Kamehameha Day Ho‘olaule‘a at Hulihe‘e Palace in Historic Kailua Village will begin at 11:00 AM following the King Kamehameha Day Celebration Parade on Saturday, June 7, 2025.
We are seeking local vendors, artisans, and services, handmade and locally made items, and food vendors, all whose products and services celebrate Hawai‘i’s rich heritage. If you are or know of a local vendor or artisan and are interested in a booth in our mākeke, or are a food vendor interested in serving food at the festival, it isn’t too late to reserve a spot! Space is limited and filling quickly, so submit your application today–it’s quick and easy and takes less than 5 minutes!
Vendor Fee Structure
10X10 Standard Booth Space: $150
10X10 Shared Booth Space/Food Truck: $225
10×20 Double Booth Space: $275
Vendor selection will be determined by types of products, menu items, or services offered, in order to ensure a variety and well-rounded selection of products for attendees.
Tents, tables, chairs and large equipment may be left overnight and dropped off to your booth space one day prior to the festival during the designated drop-off time. Daughters of Hawai‘i will not be responsible for any items left overnight, anything left is at your own risk.
On the morning of the festival, set up begins as early as 6am. Aliʻi Drive closes at 8 AM for the parade. Vendors must be fully set up to receive patrons by 10:45 AM when opening protocol begins. Vendor check-in times may be staggered to ensure smooth drop off/set up. A vendor set-up letter with details will be sent prior to the day of the festival.
More information about the festival coming soon!
Vendor Requirements
All vendors (food included) must be approved by the Festival Committee, in order to participate. General Excise license must be provided during registration.
Vendors are allowed one additional person/helper in their booth. All vendors must wear a wristband.
Tents, tables, chairs and other equipment needed are the responsibility of the vendor.
Only white tents are permitted, no exceptions will be made.
Food vendors are responsible for acquiring a Special Event Food Handling Permit from the Department of Health.
Vendors must promote the Day at Hulihe‘e Palace festival on their social pages/websites and invite their local friends and followers to the festival.
As a reminder, Hulihe‘e Palace is a historic site and must be treated with utmost respect. All helpers and workers assisting vendors must have a pleasant attitude, be flexible and cooperative. Please have aloha with your neighbors, festival staff, and volunteers. If you do not show up this way, you will not be welcomed back to vend at the Palace.
Brought to you by the Daughters of Hawai‘i in partnership with the King Kamehameha Day Celebration Parade, Kailua-Kona, with funding from the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority’s Community Enrichment Program presented in partnership with the Hawai‘i Visitors & Convention Bureau and the Island of Hawai‘i Visitors Bureau. All proceeds from the Ho‘olaule‘a go towards the historic preservation, maintenance and operations of the Palace and grounds.
FUN FACT: On December 22, 1871, King Kamehameha V proclaimed a national holiday to honor and celebrate his grandfather and the father of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Originally, the people of Hawai‘i wanted to mark the legacy of Lot Kapūaiwa (Kamehameha V) on his birthday, December 11. Being the humble ali‘i that he was, he opted to honor his grandfather instead and pushed the holiday as far away from his (Lot’s) birthday as possible, hence the arbitrary date of June 11. Thus, June 11, 1872, was the very first Kamehameha Day holiday ever celebrated.
On Kamehameha Day, June 11, 1927, the Daughters of Hawai‘i opened Hulihe‘e Palace as a historic house museum, having restored the home with original royal regalia and furnishings.