In Case You Missed It: Watch April’s Talk Story
If you were unable to join us on April 25th, for our Monday Moments with the Daughters Talk Story, click on the video below to watch Lekeleke Grounds, a Turning Point in Hawaiian History! We hope you enjoy! Join us for Monday Moments with the Daughters, Talk Story – a
2022 King Kamehameha Day Ho‘olaule‘a
After a two-year hiatus, we are looking forward to celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the King Kamehameha Day Holiday with Hawaiian music
Lei Contest!
Post your best, most creative lei creations on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #daughtersleicontest for a chance to win a tour of Queen Emmaʻs Summer Palace on O’ahu or Hulihe‘e Palace on Hawai’i Island for four (4) and a special gift basket of Daughters of Hawai‘i swag valued at
Mu‘umu‘u Shop & Swap
Shop locally for all your May Day and Mother's Day essentials. Flower lei, accessories, vintage aloha shirts, and of course mu‘umu‘u!
In Case You Missed It: Watch February’s Talk Story
If you were unable to join us on February 28th, for our Monday Moments with the Daughters Talk Story, click on the video below to watch Kauikeaouli Stone: The Birth Site of King Kamehameha III! We hope you enjoy! Join us for Monday Moments with the Daughters, Talk Story –
Ka Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi – Lesson Reviews
If you were unable to join us for our Ka Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi Fridays, don’t worry we have you covered! Below are the links for the lesson slides as well as the video recording. We will be updating this post with more lesson materials as classes progress. We hope you