2024 King Kamehameha Day Celebration Ho‘olaule‘a: Vendor Double-Booth
Thank you for participating in the annual King Kamehameha Day Celebration Ho‘olaule‘a at Hulihe‘e Palace in Historic Kailua Village!
We are looking forward to celebrating the annual King Kamehameha Day Holiday with Hawaiian music, plenty of ‘ono grindz and Community Resources like you! By submitting your payment below, you are confirming your 10 x 20 vendor double-booth space at the Ho‘olaule‘a and agree to abide by all terms in the Vendor Agreement.
All sales are final, booth space is non-refundable.
FUN FACT: On December 22, 1871, King Kamehameha V proclaimed a national holiday to honor and celebrate his grandfather and the father of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Originally, the people of Hawai‘i wanted to mark the legacy of Lot Kapūaiwa (Kamehameha V) on his birthday, December 11. Being the humble ali‘i that he was, he opted to honor his grandfather instead and pushed the holiday as far away from his (Lot’s) birthday as possible, hence the arbitrary date of June 11. Thus, June 11, 1872, was the very first Kamehameha Day holiday ever celebrated.
Brought to you in partnership with the King Kamehameha Day Celebration Parade, Kailua-Kona, with funding from the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority.