As caretakers of two of Hawai‘i’s three remaining royal palaces, Hānaiakamalama—the Queen Emma Summer Palace in Nu‘uanu, O‘ahu, and Hulihe‘e Palace in Kailua-Kona on Hawai‘i Island—we are hosting a Legacy Auction to support the preservation, operation and maintenance of these two palaces. Items include antique and vintage koa furniture, vintage china, Hawaiian woodwork, jewelry, Polynesian tapa, artwork, and more.
Now through Saturday, October 21st
We have partnered with Oahu Auctions to hold this online auction commencing now through October 21, 2023. To see these pieces in person, interested buyers, collectors, and enthusiasts may visit the Queen Emma Summer Palace on Saturday, October 21 from 10 AM to 2 PM. Auction items include donated and purchased pieces. They’re not historic by nature nor are they suited to the curated historic collections of the palaces. Items at auction are not from the Ali‘i Collection nor the Monarchy Collection.
Unique and original items include: a set of Don Blanding designed Leilani china; a curly koa wood desk; a koa rocking chair modeled in the Queen Emma style; various Victorian-era upholstered chairs and settees; tapestry-size handmade tapa from Tonga; and ornate French porcelain figurine candlesticks.
Proceeds from the auction will support preservation projects and keep the doors of these two Palaces open for school children to walk in the footsteps of our ali‘i and be inspired by the strengths and achievements of Hawai‘i’s Queens and Princesses. Their legacies continue to serve the people of Hawai‘i today.